Expat-friendly calendar 2023: Heating Things Up in October

The Czech word for October is říjen – named for when animals go into heat! Looking for English-language events that will get things heated up in Brno? Don’t get stuck in a “rut” (haha!).
Anne Johnson prepared some suggestions. These events are organized by and feature Brňáci from many different cultures, and they are all or mostly in English.
12/10: Horror Poetry
Comedius’s poetry night is back on October 12 at 7 pm! The October theme is horror: poems that give you goosebumps, shivers, and chills. Bring a poem or two that you love (or a poem you’ve just met) on the theme, and one of your own, too, if you like. It’s also fine to just come and enjoy the poetry. This is a free event.
14/10: Open Mic Comedy at BarCafé éléphant
Open mic comedy, hosted by Damien Smethurst, at BarCafe éléphant, Lidická 705/43. Get in touch with Damien for a spot or show up and try your luck!
20/10: Anne Johnson and Friends
Anne Johnson (the host of Comedius open mic nights for over five years) is having a special show on Friday, October 20 at Desert to showcase some of Comedius’ regular talent and a full set of Anne’s particular humorous storytelling style.
24/10: Perception
Hadivadlo has several English-friendly performances scheduled this year, starting with Vnímaní (Perception) on October 24, described as “A staged introspective essay on the melancholy of resistance and freedom in degrowth.”
27/10: Comedius “Pay or Perform” Gets Spooky
Comedius has an open mic night on the Final Friday of (almost) every month: this month, feel free to explore a Halloween theme! This “almost anything goes” open mic welcomes comedy, storytelling, music, and poetry in the back room at Kavárna Trojka, at Dominikánská 9. Don’t be racist, sexist, or otherwise horrible. Please note that this is an event for adults. Show up at 7:30 pm to sign up; show starts at 8. See you there!
Karaoke Mondays Continue
Karaoke lovers will enjoy Karaoke Mondays every Monday in October at HighFive bar at Bašty 6, with an English-speaking “KJ”. Free entry, free music, lovely drinks, nice shisha… all you need to bring is your voice (and a song that’s on YouTube Karaoke).
Pomezí is a non-profit venue for all kinds of goodness, from art exhibitions to cozy concerts. They even have a piano you can rent for practice or performance! Check their Facebook page for details of future shows, and reach out to them if you’re looking for a venue for your own cultural events.
Brno Writer’s Group
The Brno Writer’s Group has monthly meetings to discuss writing; contact Bruno Zalubil for details on their October meeting.
Invites picked and written by Anne Johnson. Picture courtesy of Comedius Brno.