Need to get your tax domicile sorted? Watch a 20-min webinar or read our guide

In times of upcoming tax reconciliation and tax return deadline (end of March), we bring you a step-by-step manual to get your Czech tax domicile sorted from the comforts of your home.
You’ll need this document only if your employer or some other authority back in your home country asked you to provide it. If you have not received any such requests, you can stop reading.
If you have been asked for a tax domicile and you need help sorting the paper out, you can either:
- Read our guide describing the application process: click here to go to the guide
- or, watch our latest webinar where our consultants show the process step by step:
You can easily watch the recording (for free and without logging-in) at, video #13. Or here:
Only the first 25 min or so are the step-by-step manual, the rest of the time was given to questions in the comments.