No ticket? Be prepared to pay up to 1,500 CZK

Have you encountered a ticket inspector (revizor in Czech) on a tram, bus or trolleybus yet?
Ticket inspectors make frequent spot checks, both day and night. They wear no uniforms but show official badges. If you have doubts about their authenticity, you can ask to see their ID card which has to have the same number as their badge. They have all taken a compulsory English-language course so should be able to communicate with you to a certain extent.
The inspectors have the right to see your passport and residence card (where applicable). If fined, you can either pay 800 CZK on the spot in cash or with a card (in which case you don’t have to show any ID).
Or you can pay 800 CZK within the next 5 workdays at the main city transport office (Novobranská 18) or 1500 CZK later. If you own a valid pass and just don’t have it on you, bring it to the main city transport office within the next 5 workdays and only pay a 50 CZK fine. In all these cases you have to provide an ID.
If you don’t want to pay on the spot and you’re not carrying your passport, ticket inspectors will call the foreign police in order to confirm your identity.
In every case, a ticket inspector is obliged to give you a written record of your fine and payment confirmation with their signature. Make sure you don’t leave any debts unsettled – the main city transport office claims fines even from abroad.
If you use public transport on a regular basis, better than buying individual tickets is to prepay a monthly / quarterly / yearly transport pass (šalinkarta in Czech) valid for all city transport (tram, bus, trolleybus). With an ID and a passport-size photograph (3.5 x 4.5 cm) you can buy it at the main city transport office, one of the other city transport offices or the Main Train Station.
On the spot you will fill in a document (it can also be filled in online but this is available in Czech only – click otevřít elektronickou žádanku), pay 30 CZK for having the pass issued plus the actual pass price depending on how long it is valid for and how many zones of the regional integrated transport system it covers. In Brno, this means zones 100 + 101, which costs 550 CZK (monthly), 1,370 CZK (quarterly) and 4,750 CZK (yearly).
In 2017 the price for a yearly pass will be reduced to 3,325 CZK for everyone who pays for waste collection in Brno. Read more about how to apply for it.
If you only use a disposable ticket, it is valid for the time specified on the ticket from the moment you stamp it in the machine on the vehicle. All tickets are transferable.
You can also buy an SMS ticket – just send a text to number 90206 and wait for confirmation. BRNO20 will get you 20 minutes for 20 CZK, BRNO will get you 75 minutes for 29 CZK and BRNOD will get you 24 hours for 99 CZK. This is possible only with a Czech phone number. Or go through the mobile app Sejf, where you can buy tickets in English.
Learn more about trams and tickets in our Guide: Public Transport.