Introducing a new infosheet: The perks and quirks of having a baby in Brno

Children are, indeed, a blessing. However, apart from all the joy and pleasant surprises, their upbringing also brings various kinds of expenses the parents need to cope with.
When it comes to financial support provided to families in relation to pregnancy, childbirth and afterbirth care of children, the Czech social security system offers several types of benefits, which – if a series of conditions are met – are equally available to Czech and foreign parents.
The infosheet combines the theory and our first-hand experience with the offices that deal with family-related financial benefits. It starts with the most significant and sought-after types of allowances: maternity, parental and child benefits which are followed by a short list of other possible grants and reliefs.
At the very end, you can find a list of useful links to the websites of several offices and centres providing antenatal and family consultancies as well as (expat) family forums and groups that (future) expat parents can use as a source of practical tips.