Watch a webinar with a lawyer: Dealing with landlords

Ever had an issue with your landlord?

There might have been a way to avoid it. Or a method to deal with it more elegantly.

Our consultant Veronika is well-versed in expat-landlord disputes. Listen to her interview a real-estate lawyer, Marek Viktor from, and learn their best tips.

For example, they talk about:

  • your rights and obligations as a tenant
  • a (sub)lease contract  & the most common mishaps when signing one
  • termination of a lease (by the tenant vs by the landlord)
  • where to turn if negotiations are unsuccessful
  • when a deposit is returned

You can now watch the recording, just press play (The interview is 30-min long, the rest are questions.)

Feel free to browse through our library of webinars to watch any other topics.


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