Leisure time soiree invitation

Where can you get a good workout under the supervision of an English-speaking teacher?
Where should you go for a trip with good coffee, perfect wine or a good dessert? And does there even exist a place in Brno where could you enjoy cultural events even if you don’t speak Czech very well? At the Brno Expat Centre, we deal with such issues quite often.
Now there is an opportunity for every expat who would like to know more about how to
spend his or her leisure time in Brno. If you are interested, join us at an informal interactive meeting focused on leisure time activities, organized by Brno Expat Centre. The event will be held on Friday 17 June at 17.45 pm in the main building of leisure centre in the Lužánky park.
At the meeting, representatives of various companies and organizations from different
sectors (sport and wellness, gastronomy, arts, culture, travel, networking, …) will introduce
themselves and in cooperation with Brno Expat Centre they have prepared a short interactive programme in English for you. Leave your formal wear at home this time – the main emphasis at this meeting will be fun!
As is the custom at all our events, we will provide a bit of culture, good wine and
refreshments in the company of pleasant and interesting people.
If you decide to join us, please let us know through info@brnoexpatcentre.eu.
For programme, names etc. click here.


Design Brno to your needs.
Tell us your user experience.

We're now conducting research into the life of internationals in Brno, in order to improve the support the city offers you. The results also design and shape public policies with your needs in mind, and help push the future of the city in the right direction.

Please, share your experience living in Brnoregion in our questionnaire and be a part of changing things for the better.

Enter the Great Brno Expat Survey 2023. (Deadline: 10 December)

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