Help shape Brno's future

The City of Brno’s current Strategic Plan ends two years from now. With this in mind, it recently launched the preparations for a new Strategic Plan, “Brno 2050”, which will be adopted for the period 2019-2050.
At this point, a draft version of the main goals of the strategy have been prepared, and we’re in the “public debate” stage. This means that everyone – expats included – is encouraged to contribute by going to the “Strategy 2050” website and making their comments.
You can access the English version of the website at From there, go to the bottom of the page, where you’ll find the three sections the draft strategy has been divided into – Quality of life, Governance, and Resources. By clicking on these you’ll be able to see the various “values” that the strategy should embody. And by clicking on the values you find interesting, you can see the brief description of what a particular value means, how promoting it will contribute to making Brno a better city, and the goals that should be included in the Strategic Plan in order to enhance that value. (You might be particularly interested in the “Cosmopolitan city” value.)
Your are asked to do one, or perhaps two, things. The simpler thing is to simply indicate that you “like” a particular value. This will give some indication of the relative importance of the individual values to people living in Brno. The more time-consuming thing – but more rewarding, both for you and for the City of Brno – is to make some comment(s) on the proposed values. These can be anything – an indication of which goals you think are more (or less) important, what other goals you think should be included, etc. etc. All comments will be most welcome by those preparing the strategy.
We hope you enjoy living in Brno, and we hope even more that you enjoy it so much that you’re interested in improving it – whether for yourself, or for others who will be coming here in the future. So go for it – let the city know your views!
Deadline for submitting comments: 31 July