Days of Polish Culture in Brno

When I saw the information about the Days of Polish Culture in Brno, my decision to place this post was quite quick. Everything Polish reminds me of my first client at the Brno Expat Centre, who is from Poland. This very nice lady came with lots of different and interesting questions about living in Brno. Those questions were mainly aimed at leisure-time activities in Brno. It was while searching out useful information for her that I discovered that this area of consulting with expats brings me a lot of pleasure. Now everyone interested in Poznan and in Polish culture generally can follow this particular “leisure-time recommendation”. And of course, greetings to Zuza!
When: April 4 – 9, 2011
Where: Kino Art, Sál Břetislava Bakaly, Jiří Mahen Library

At the occasion of 45th anniversary of the Brno – Poznan partnership, many events presenting our partner city of Poznan as well as of the Polish culture in general will take place in the week of April 4 – 9. At various locations the citizens of Brno will have a chance to get to know the city of Poznan and its cultural activities and contemporary Polish films.
The program will take place at three locations:
Jiří Mahen Library (Knihovna Jiřího Mahena), Kobližná 4

  • Presentation of Poznan as a tourist destination and a photo exhibition by Mariusz Forecki, Poznan based photographer and editor (6 – 30 April).
  • Launch of two photo contests about city of Brno for high school students and seniors. Selected works will be exhibited in Poznan (5 – 31 May).
  • Interactive workshop for children on Polish children literature (1 – 7 April).
  • Presentation of the Raczynski Library in Poznan, who has very close ties with KJM and together they have implemented several successful projects (6 April)

Sál Břetislava Bakaly, Žerotínovo nám. 6

Stage play “Opera about Columbus” by children from Lejery primary school in Poznan (6 April) is a story of courage and fulfilled dreams intended for primary schools and the public.
On the same day, a discussion with young handicapped Polish explorer and mountaineer Jas Mela and Wojciech Ostrowski is taking place (6 April, 6 PM). Jas Mela (born 1988) is the first handicapped traveller who defeated the North Pole and the South Pole in one year. Wojciech Ostrowski is a cameraman who accompanied Jas on both polar expeditions.
Kino Art, Cihlářská 19
Contemporary Polish films showcase 4 – 9 April at 8:30 PM.

  • 4 April – Reverse
  • 5 April – Saviour Place
  • 6 April – All that I love
  • 7 April – Tricks
  • 9 April– Sweet Rush
  • 5 and 7 April at 7:30 PM – short films awarded at the festival OFF Cinema of Poznan (small auditorium of the Kino Art)

The festival is held under the auspices of Mr. Roman Onderka, Mayor of the City of Brno, Mr. Ryszard Grobelny Mayor of the city of Poznan and H. E. Jan Pastwa,  Ambassador of Poland in the Czech Republic.
The main organizers are Brno Cultural Center, Jiří Mahen Library and POLONUS – Polish club in Brno.


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