Burns night, January 21

Burns Night is a celebration of the life and work of Robbie Burns, Scottish national poet. It includes a special festive dinner featuring the traditional Scottish dish, haggis, which Burns celebrates in Address To A Haggis, a poem which is recited before the dinner starts. There are other parts of the traditional programme, such as songs, toasts, poems etc. which attendants may participate in. The event is concluded by a ceilidh, an informal dancing evening with a caller from Scotland, i.e. participants learn all the dances right there and do not need any previous knowledge.
BN 2012 will take place at Sýpka, Kytnerova 1, Brno Medlánky in the large hall upstairs and will include the traditional Burns Supper from 5 pm, followed by a ceilidh with Mike Scott and Alastair with his band from 8 pm.
Information about tickets and venue at www.skotskypes.cz. If you are interested in attending, do not delay your reservation as Scotch Dog events tend to be sold out quite quickly…


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