Brno among the world leaders in expat integration

We have got a present before Christmas already. The fDi Intelligence, a division of The Financial Times, has selected Brno and Amsterdam – out of 124 places ranked within the Cities of the Future 2016/17 – as the best ones in the category of expat integration, especially mentioning the Brno Expat Centre.
The fDi Strategy Award appreciates our help to foreign professionals of 90+ nationalities working and living in the city, as well as BEC providing information and consultancy services. The number of individual clients and requests grows, on average, by 50 % every year. In 2016 we processed 1100 consulting requests, mostly dealing with residence permits, accommodation, jobs, healthcare and schools.
Since last year we have been covering the complete process of relocations starting before the arrival to Brno. A recent example is our special care of an Indian programmer undertaken for Phonexia company.
Our 2017 plans include supporting the international city development – promoting investment opportunities and foreign talent attraction which is becoming highly needed on the local market of technology innovations. Considering the current situation of islamic terrorism in western Europe let us be clear – our foreign professionals enter the country legally (they are mostly from EU countries), respect the law and do not pose a security threat.
The BEC project – unique in Central and Eastern Europe, inspired by expat centers in Vienna, Copenhagen and the Netherlands – has been realized by Brnopolis NGO and supported by the Strategy office of the City of Brno since 2010. We also cooperate with Honeywell, Red Hat, Lufthansa, Infosys, AT&T, IBM, FEI, Netscout,, Madfinger Games and Masaryk University.