Brno expats received a warm welcome from the City Hall

Last week, representatives of the expat community in Brno were invited to the beautiful halls of the Town Hall by the Mayor herself.
The evening was a symbolic welcome to Brno; an acknowledgment from the City Hall that it sees the value expats bring to the city we all now call home. It was also a chance to chat with the City Hall’s politicians.
In their welcoming speech, City Councillors Anna Putnová and Martin Příborský emphasised Brno’s commitment to being a city of science, research and innovation, underscoring the importance of international talents in sustaining this vision. “Our ambition is not only to make expats welcome in the city,” the Mayor commented on the event, “but to make them feel welcome in developing the city with us.”
A wonderfully eclectic group accepted the invitation: researchers, businessmen, managing directors, academics, musicians, developers, community leaders, technical experts and creators.
This year’s “Meet the Mayor” was the 4th edition of this event. The gathering aimed to foster a sense of community and connection among those who have chosen Brno as their new home. Expats were given space to share their experiences and stories as internationals living in Brno. They were also given a chance to easily connect with each other even after the event, through an online app. We hope this event will be the start of new friendships.
Special thanks go to the City Hall, for having us, and the great team of people from the Department of Strategic Development and Cooperation, for co-organizing this event with our Brno Expat Centre team.
As Brno continues to thrive as a city of progress and innovation, events like these serve as a testament to the city’s commitment to embracing its diverse and dynamic population.
Pictures courtesy of Jiří Lubojacký.