Brno Expat Fair: The city’s vibe poured into Tržnice for one day

Over 1,300 people from 82 different countries came to the Living in Brno 2022 Expat Fair, to discover and enjoy what life in this city has to offer. It’s the biggest event of its kind in the Czech Republic; with it, we wanted to bring under one roof all that makes the city and region international.
The four floors of Tržnice (City Market Hall at Zelný trh) filled up with expat-friendly services, employers, clubs, communities, schools and international food. Throughout the day, expats could listen to 13 seminars where experts from various fields shared tips on how to make life in Brno easier for foreigners: from lawyers, financial advisors and public officials, to stress researchers and policemen. Moreover, expats had a chance to discover new hobbies through several interactive workshops and tasters of varying activities, or practise their Czech – general communication, or even more particular skills, like chat-up lines to impress their Czech love interest.
The fair wasn’t only about learning new opportunities. First and foremost, it was about spending a lovely day with your English-speaking peers, your family and friends, or meeting new ones. From a café, drinks and free beer, to a cinema, kid corner and a book lounge; visitors had a chance to relax, chat and network throughout the fair, and then finish off the day with an afterparty, with expats performing on the stage.
“The City is aware of the important value the international companies and institutions and their employees bring here. Our vision is to become a diverse, open and tolerant city that is able to attract and retain talented foreigners,“ says Ms. Markéta Vaňková, The Lady Mayor of Brno. The event took place under her auspices.
Save the date 22 April 2023 for the next fair!
About the Expat Fair from someone else’s mouth:
Radio Prague International
The Expat Fair is a real showcase of the fact that Brno is now a truly international and modern city that can attract foreign talent to live - and stay.
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Photo courtesy of Jiří Lubojacký. See the rest of the album.
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