Brno city waste collection fee 2015

The Brno municipality has extended the waste collection fee to all residents – including foreigners – who stay here longer than 3 months. The decision is in accordance with Act no. 174/2012, which came into effect on January 1, 2013.
The responsibility to pay the fee is placed on individual residents, not your landlord / property owner. If you agreed that utilities are included in your rent, ask your landlord if he/she has paid it in full. If not, you can follow the easy instructions below. You have to pay the fee by May 31 or within 15 days after the date of commencement of the the waste collection fee duty (ie. 3 months after your arrival).
New residents register through the online form to the Environmental department. Residents who already registered in previous years don’t have to register again and may skip this step and proceed to the payment directly.
If you are unsure if you have registered for the waste collection fee in the past, you can check your record at 542 174 307 or 542 174 310 or They will be able to look up your details in the registry or cross-check with the Foreign police registry.
The online form above is in Czech but the English translation is accessible on the official notice linked above.
As for the final line of the form: Datum vzniku poplatkové povinnosti – Date of the Commencement – fill in the date of your arrival + 3 months. You are not obliged to pay for the first three months.
Pay online to 111220022/0800 with your birth identification number (issued by the Czech Immigration office “rodné číslo”) or your date of birth (in the format: ddmmyyyy) as the payment’s identification symbol (“variabilní symbol”).
Pay in cash on Šumavská 33, building A, 9th floor.
The waste collection fee in 2015 is set to 670 CZK per year (same as last year).
Frequently asked questions:
Is my landlord paying the waste collection fee for me?
This you will have to ask him/her.
What if I arrived later in 2015?
Pay the appropriate share for the months you are staying. If you arrived later in 2015, you don’t pay for the first three months and then pay for the rest of the year , ie. 670 CZK divided by 12 multiplied by number of months remaining in 2015 after the month when the obligation arose (three months after the date of arrival). You must register and pay the fee within 15 days after the date of commencement (ie. three months after the date of arrival) or before the end of May.
What if I haven’t paid last year and now I would like to repay?
In case you already owe for previous year(s), you should add the appropriate sum to the current payment. You can pay it all at once to the same account with the same identification number.
I will be moving out before the end of the year. Can I pay less?
Generally, you are obliged to pay the full year in advance and before moving out you can claim money back for the remaining months. However, if you sent a hard copy of the registration form with the final date of your stay written in and wired proportional amount, that would be accepted. This is not possible through the online form though.
Do I have to de-register when leaving from Brno or not staying in a following year?
Yes. Otherwise you would be expected to pay onward and your debt would be rising.
How do I de-register / check out?
Print out following letter, sign and send a hardcopy to Šumavska 33, Brno 60200 or scan to with subject: Odhlášení cizince
Name, Surname, Date of birth (DD.MM.YYYY)
– Address in Brno:
– Beginning of stay:
– End of stay:
– Asking for return of overpayment:
Žádám o vrácení přeplatku na č.účtu: #bank account number#, který mi vznikl ukončením pobytu v Brně.
! Only for Czech bank accounts. If foreign, visit the office in person !
– Signature
We are living together with roommates. Do we have to pay for each one of us?
Yes, the fee is for each individual.
There are five of us in our family. How many people do I need to register and pay for?
The third and subsequent child under 15 years of age or under 26 when studying is not subject to the waste collection fee.
I am moving out but somebody is taking my room. Can I let the fee stand or do we have to cancel one and register the other?
No. You should have your money for the rest of the year reimbursed and the new tenant should register.
What if I don’t pay?
You will be required to pay a fine up to three times the yearly fee; failure to pay can be enforced by seizure of your property.