DIY Workshops: Brno's new obsession

Have you heard of them already? The latest hit for Brno’s young and old: do it yourself (DIY) public workshops, shared places where you can borrow the tools and the space necessary to create your own projects. Have you ever felt like crafting but you were stopped by the lack of necessary tools? Well, now you can’t use that excuse anymore.
Some of these workshops even provide beginner/advanced classes and a helpful community to support you. Most of them speak English: hold English speaking courses or provide English language websites. Some of them have cafés, too!
Have you always dreamt of becoming a carpenter? Or do you just need to shorten that IKEA shelf?
In either way, Hobbylab is the place to go. They have all the tools and heavy machines to work with wood (and even with some other materials, too). You can come in anytime during their opening hours (see their website) and use their equipment (you pay by the hour). However, you need to know how to build whatever you intend to build: you can ask them for advice but they can’t give you the whole manual.
If it is the manual you are looking for, you can attend one of their courses: as of now, they are all in Czech (however, they recommend to attend anyway: it’s mostly observation). They are planning to organise their first English course this summer, though. Stay tuned to their website to learn more.
You need to bring your own material: they provide a link on their website through which to order. You can find Hobbylab in Líšeň, Holzova street 7.
Brno Šije
Brno Šije (“Brno sews”) is a workplace to practice your sewing skills or learn some new ones. They hold an open workshop twice a week on Mondays (3 – 4 pm) and Fridays ( 7.15 – 9.15 pm) when you can rent their machines (with white and black thread) for 50 crowns/hour and work on your own projects. The technical descriptions are all in Czech, but if you are skilled you won’t need a translator or instructor.
They have a class for English speakers reserved once a week, a class in Italian once a week, and many courses in Czech. The classes in English will start on the 21st of May and will continue once every week, on Wednesdays from 7 to 9 pm. The classes will start out at the beginners level, but if you hold an interest in learning more, you can advance to the higher level classes.
You can find Brno Šije on Veveří street. More information on their website.
FabLab is a digital workshop and a place to work on your technological engineering. They provide 3D scanners, 3D printers, CnC routers, laser cutting machines, etc. They are located in the Technological Park.
If you would like to join, you first have to attend a special tour of the workshop: these tours are given in English, too. Their whole website is in English: go and have a look if you want to find more information.
Industra is probably known to everyone who has lived in Brno for a while: for their excellent coffee, festivals, performances and shows. What isn’t such a well-known fact is that they also have two public workshops: Fablab and cut&sew.
Does the mention of 3D print excite you? And robotics, microscopy, electronics? Do you have an idea but lack the technology/energy to make it a reality? Fablab Cowork Accelerator has the technology and a community to support you along your journey.
Industra’s cut and sew is for anyone who “wants to master their crafting skills, make suggestions to others, or promote their own work but don’t have the tools or knowledge to do so”. They offer courses and seminars for sewing, knitting, crochet, and embroidery. The community also holds fashion shows to help display your work. They speak English: contact them through their Facebook.
Industra is located a bit further away from the centre, on Masná street.
Unfortunately, most of these workshops don’t provide their websites in English just yet. However, if you e-mail them (in English) they are more than happy to help you with any questions you may have for them.
These workshops are here for the community of Brno. To bring people with similar ideas and hobbies together. If you have any desire in learning new techniques or would like to improve your skills in these fields, go check them out.