To students who'd like to start career and stay in Brno - we can help with that

Do you know any international students or graduates who would like to work in Brno? Or start a business? Stay after graduation? Are you one of them?
In Brno, we value international students, and we want them to stay in Brno after their studies!
If any of them consider staying after graduation, we can help them launch their career and keep Brno as a home address.
How can we help?
- Legal and social counseling related to work or business besides their studies (feel free to contact our experts through the contact form)
- Networking, connecting to the right institutions, organizations, employers, and events
- Online Guides for students on how to work or start a business
Upcoming event: Barbecue with the City
To stay or not to stay in Brno after graduation? Stop by our informal BBQ, to meet the organisations and consultants that can help you consider this question. Attendance is free.
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