Get a European residency with your Czech one, and relocate easier

If you apply for a permanent residence permit, we recommend you also apply for legal status as a long-term European Community resident (=EC resident).
What is it?
A new option brought by an EU directive, to help non-EU foreigners move more easily within the EU.
Why should I want it?
EC residents face an easier visa process if they want to settle in a different EU country.
How do I apply?
You can apply for legal status of a long-term European Community resident, in Czech “dlouhodobě pobývající resident EU”, whilst you are applying for your permanent residence in the CR. In the application form, in the remarks section, write that you are applying for this status in addition to permanent residence. The cost for Czech permanent residence is CZK 2,500. The cost for granting European residence is CZK 500. In the end, your status as a long-term resident is marked on your PR card – you do not receive a second card.
You must first meet all the requirements for permanent residence (e.g. 5 years of continuous residence, passing the Czech language exam to A2 level, more on the requirements in our guide).
Official information on EC residency can be found here.
I want to work in another EU country with this status. What should I do?
Each EU country regulates its access to the labour market and therefore the conditions for holders of this status differ. In most countries, however, with EC residency, it is possible to apply directly for a long-term residence permit after moving. If you have any questions, we recommend that you contact the local authorities or EURES – European Employment Service in your intended country.
Please note that EC residency does not automatically allow you to live and work anywhere in the EU. The old rule applies to you: without a residence permit for the specific country, you can only stay as a tourist for 90 days.
And now, the other way around:
I am a European Community resident with permanent residency in another EU country, and I now want to work in the Czech Republic. What should I do?
You can apply for a Czech long-term residence permit directly, at the Immigration Office (Asylum and Migration Policy Department of the Ministry of the Interior – OAMP). The big advantage is that you have free access to the labour market in the Czech Republic with this status. However, you need to provide proof of the purpose of your stay (e.g. employment contract, trade, proof of studies, etc.). Official information can be found here.
Picture courtesy of (author: Masson)