General info
This guide introduces the bare bones of the Czech school system. There are three aspects of the system that are important for foreigners to keep in mind:
- Except for the pre-school level, the Czech educational system is overwhelmingly public.
- At all levels, from primary through secondary to tertiary, the public system is free of charge, while institutions in the private sector are fee-paying.
- Educational institutions that offer teaching solely in a language other than Czech will be private, and hence charge fees. This also holds true for degree programmes at universities that are taught in English.
- The school year runs from 1 September until 30 June.
- Compulsory education begins at 5, and lasts at least 1 pre-school and 9 primary school years.
In the Czech Republic, pre-school facilities (optional) cater to children aged 3 to 6. The primary education level is divided into two stages, lower primary (grades 1 to 5) and upper primary (grades 6 to 9) and lasts from the age of 6 to 15.
Then comes the secondary education level, which lasts for 4 years. Secondary schools are of three types: grammar schools (“gymnázium”, offering a broad, academic education as an ideal preparation for university studies), secondary technical schools (“střední odborná škola”, covering a wide range of specialized fields – e.g. chemistry or engineering; these usually lead to university studies – as well as business academies, agricultural schools, music and art schools and many others), and secondary vocational schools (“střední odborné učiliště”, offering practical training for future jobs).
What is confusing is that many grammar schools have expanded “down” the academic ladder into the territory of primary schools, becoming what is known as either an “eight-year” or “six-year” grammar schools program (“osmileté / klasické gymnázium”), which enable young people to enter them at grades 6 and 8 respectively. This type of school is the best example of the extreme selectivity of the Czech education system.
Beyond this, there are two options: what is called the “upper specialized” level (two years, for education of a type given by community colleges) and the tertiary level (i.e. universities, offering standard Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral programmes).
For additional information on enrolment and what to mainly focus on, you can also read the outcomes of our Expat Kids in Czech Schools seminar.
It can sometimes be quite difficult to look for some information about schools in a foreign language. Here is a short list of vocabulary and abbreviations that can be helpful:
nursery = creche | jesle, jesličky |
pre-school = kindergarten | mateřská škola = MŠ = školka |
forest kinderkarten | lesní školka |
primary school | základní škola = ZŠ |
secondary school | střední škola = SŠ |
grammar school | gymnázium |
secondary technical school | střední odborná škola = SOŠ, SPŠ |
secondary vocational school | střední odborné učiliště = SOU |
university | univerzita = vysoká škola = VŠ |
canteen | jídelna |
catchment area | spádová oblast |
price list, fees | ceník, poplatky |
For the teachers’ and school headmasters’ convenience, you can point out this helpful website provided by the National Pedagogical Institute to support their communication with you or this page by the Meta NGO which focuses on foreign children and their access to education.
Pre-School / Kindergarten facilities
“mateřská škola”
Public kindergartens
It’s difficult to get your child accepted into a public kindergarten unless s/he’s scheduled to attend primary school in the following school year, you live in the city district where the facility is located and your child is able/willing to function in a Czech-speaking environment. The official registration period is February-May via a central website (, including the list of public kindergartens); however, it is advised to contact the chosen pre-schools in advance. In all other cases, i.e. children younger than 5 years of age, not speaking Czech or wanting to attend kindergarten (KG) in a different part of the city, you may have to resort to a private provider. If you’re looking for childcare options for a baby younger than 3 years of age, please refer to our guide on Babysitting & Childcare.
In order to get your child into a public KG, follow these steps:
- Find your “catchment area KG” via this application map;
- You can apply to several KGs and hope for a place; in the final pre-school year, KG is compulsory and your catchment kindergarten MUST accept your child
- Fill out the application form here and follow the process in the given dates; enclose copies of the child’s birth certificate, vaccination certificate and proof of residency
- Deliver all papers to the KG on the given dates; you can also send them by registered post or data mailbox.
In case of problems / unfriendly attitude at the KG, you can contact the MMB Department of Education. An assessment in PPP can assign support measures such as extra Czech lessons (legal ground: section 16 and 20, par. 5 and 6 of the Schools Act; Decree no. 27/2016). Confirmation from a Czech paediatrician that the child has had all the required vaccinations for a child of such age and is in good health is required for all children; there are no extra medical requirements for foreign children living in the Czech Republic.
Your child can also attend a private KG which is registered by the Ministry of Education in the compulsory year; if there are spots open in the public KG, they can accept a child any time during the year.
Private kindergartens
Brno has a reasonable number of private non-Czech facilities catering to young kids in the pre-school age group (“mateřská škola”). In most cases, the language employed English. One pre-school education centre offers a bilingual environment (Spanish and French), while many have a combination of English and Czech. All of these charge fees.
See our extensive list of private kindergartens, offering various programmes, some of which are also in English.
However, it is definitely worth to consider putting your child in a Czech-speaking KG since age 3 (even if it means paying for a private one) because it will ease their learning of Czech, which means way less complications and problems for them and also for you as a parent, once the child enters primary school. Some English-speaking KGs sometimes offer extra Czech lessons.
See a few examples of private kindergartens in Brno:

International School of Brno
ISB provides Kindergarten to High School students from all over the world with the necessary tools to become committed, lifelong learners and responsible, engaged citizens of the world.
Čejkovická 10, Brno-Vinohrady
+420 544 212 313 +420 776 490 120
- Krondlova 1
- 616 00 Brno-Kraví Hora
- Phone: + 420 608 417 232
- E-mail:
- Web:
An English-language pre-school founded in 2000. Professionally qualified teachers with experience in the UK and other European countries, and fully-qualified instructors for out-of-school activities. The school follows the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework for England, thus enabling the children to continue their primary education in International Schools. The six areas of EYFS are balanced with Czech Pre-school Curriculum in the last year of attendance to prepare the children for further education in the Czech or English languages.
- Pavlovská 16
- 623 00 Brno–Kohoutovice
- Mobile: +420 606 061 320
- E-mail:
- Web:
A bilingual (Czech-English) pre-school whose teaching is based on the Regio-Emilia approach ( Some teachers speak only English and some only Czech so the children are motivated to communicate in both languages with their teachers and the others in the group. The pre-school is part of the Saphira Centre, an art and language facility for adults and children.
Agentura Beránek
- Anotnína Slavíka 11
- 60200 Brno – Černá pole (next to Luzanky park)
- Mobile: +420 728 005 588
- E-mail:
- Web:
Kindergarten, nursery, childcare, babysitting – A wide range of services for parents with little children. The agency on Antonina Slavika street takes children starting at the age of 12 months. English speaking teachers from this school have started a branch kindergarten for one of the big international firms. They can babysit at your house too.
Miniškolka Skřítek
- Královopolská 10
- 616 00 Brno – Žabovřesky
- Mobile: +420 774 443 077
- E-mail:
- Web:
They are private kind of family type kindergarten for children from 12 months with capacity of maximum 12 children in each department. They are located in a part of Brno called Žabovřesky on the street Královopolská in a newly renovated house number 10. Kindergarten is assimilated to the needs of your children and fulfils hygienic prescriptions. It is important for them to approach the children individually. They teach them basic hygiene, getting dressed, they help them to adapt in the collective and the smallest ones they teach to get rid of diapers.They also run some hobby groups such as: games with songs, English for the smallest, creative workshops, exercising for health. Their goal is to create a pleasant family environment where healthy and self-confident children will grow.
Creative Kids
- Poděbradova 127
- 612 00 Brno – Královo Pole
- Mobile: 605 750 270
- E-mail:
- Web:
The Creative Kids preschool is located close to Lužánky park, in a newly-refurbished building with a large garden. Activities support creativity, playfulness and a taste for discovery. A wide variety of activities to aid the development of your children’s intellectual and creative skills and talents. The main language of communication is Czech. There are daily activities in English with the aim of teaching children a foreign language in a natural and fun setting. The programme is aimed at children of all nationalities. The capacity for children up to ten years of age allows the maximum possible individual approach to children.
- Bayerova 25
- 602 00 Brno
- Mobile: 602 591 517
- E-mail:
- Web:
The kindergarten is available to children aged 2 – 6 years. The educational programme is structured according to the Czech Educational Framework Programme for pre-school education and also includes elements of The Waldorf system as well as the Step by step programme “Beginning Together”. There are also programmes for weekends and holidays. The team is made up of pedagogical and health experts as well as native speakers. Children are approached as equal partners whose individual needs and ideas we respect and always try to support.
International Montessori Kindergarten Little Pearl “Perlička“
- Hlaváčova 6
- 61400 Brno – Obřany
- Mobile: + 420 775 576 844
- E-mail:
- Web:
Little Pearl kindergarten offers an internationally recognized educational programme for children aged 2-7, based on the pedagogical approach of Dr. Marie Montessori. The programme includes: a moral programme “The Virtues Guide”, acquisition of the English language that is absorbed in a very natural way, a multicultural spirit.
Kids Garden
- Gajdošova 7
- 615 00 Brno-Židenice
- Phone: +420 533 432 606
- Mobile: +420 602 791 338
- E-mail:
- Web:
A music-oriented English pre-school for children from 3 to 7, with all communication in English by qualified Czech teachers and native English teachers. The programme is built on the British curriculum Foundation stage 3-5 in combination with the Czech programme for pre-school education.
- Netroufalky 5
- 625 00 Brno-Bohunice
- Mobile: +420 776 878 471 (school), +420 776 003 003 (general questions)
- E-mail:
- Web:
An English-language pre-school is part of a firm with branches throughout the Czech Republic. Children from 18 months to 6 years are welcome. Qualified teachers, native speakers. A school bus service is provided to pick children up and take them home at the end of the school day.
- Jiráskova 29, Jaselská 15
- 602 00 Brno
- Mobile: +420 605 712 132, +420 739 954 344
- E-mail:
- web:
Kindergarten offers an above-standard programme in English. Only 14 children (age 3 to 6 years old). A pleasant and cosy place for your child to learn and play, including the garden. Situated in the centre of Brno in a quiet neighbourhood. A new branch of the kindergarten was opened as of September 1, 2010 at Jaselská 15 (city centre).
Viki Kids Club
- Vodařská 2
- 619 00 Brno-Komárov
- Mobile: +420 724 057 290
- E-mail:
- Web:
An English-language pre-school facility with qualified and experienced Czech teachers as well as native English speakers. Language and sports facilities, a “Baby and Mum Club” as well as morning and afternoon clubs with activities fully independent and separate from the kindergarten.
Mary Poppins
- Srbská 30
- 612 00 Brno – Královo Pole
- Mobile: 777 753 393
- E-mail:
- Web:
A private cosmopolitan facility for children from 1.5 years of age. It operates every working day 7.30 am to 18.00 for the entire calendar year.
- Antonínská 18
- 602 00 Brno
- Mobile: 725 953 574
- E-mail:
- Web:
A private kindergarten for children from 3 years of age with additional focus on swimming and healthy life. It operates every working day 7.30 am to 17.00 for the entire calendar year; some of the staff speak English.
Primary schools
“základní škola”
Everyone who resides in the Czech Republic with a residence permit for longer than 90 days has the obligation to enrol their child of the appropriate age in school – any school nearby which has the capacity. Most schools where the teaching is in Czech will welcome non-Czech-speaking children and do their best to integrate them into the classroom teaching process. One school is more professionally geared to working with children from a non-Czech background and highest ratio of foreign pupils. Located at Staňkova 14, it has special classes of Czech for foreigners and also includes intercultural programmes in the curriculum.
Registration to all public primary schools for the following school year takes place each January-April via a central website ( To enlist your child at a Czech primary schools, follow these steps:
– find your “catchment area school” (spádová škola) via this application map;
– you can register to several schools, not only your catchment area school
– fill out the application form here and follow the process in the given dates; you must deliver each application to the school in person, together with the child which will be interviewed, the dates are always listed on the school’s website; the school will then notify you about acceptance/refusal in writing – you must pick up the letter at the school in person unless you communicate with the school via your data mailbox.
– in case of insufficient Czech of the child, postponement of school start may be suggested; if you wish to postpone, you still have to deliver the application form to the catchment school, together with a postponement request form and a statement from PPP or a doctor confirming it
– ‘alternative’ primary schools (Montessori, Dalton, Waldorf, private schools) may be more inclined to accept a foreign child as it adds to diversity which is a welcome element
– Find out about further possibilities of enhancing the knowledge of Czech here. Try to motivate your child into learning the language. Without their own motivation and understanding of the importance, all learning will be extremely gruelling. You as a parent must be equally motivated and steadfast in supporting your child in this effort.
– When you are trying to enrol a child, not into 1st grade, but a higher one, it is sometimes advisable to enrol them 1 year lower – then they can focus more on the language while already being more confident in the content of the lessons. That, together with a good improving knowledge of Czech is also a prevention of bullying.
– An assessment in PPP can assign support measures such as extra Czech lessons and an adaptation coordinator or course through the school; in case of a hesitant attitude at the school of your choice, be assertive and aware of your rights – the catchment school MUST accept your child during the regular admission process. A new government decree from 2021 ensures language support to children with foreign citizenship who have not been part of the Czech educational system for longer than 24 months. This includes Czech classes at an assigned school.
International Schools
At the primary education level, the options for those of you seeking a non-Czech education for your children are more limited. There are only two schools that have English as their sole teaching language: the International School of Brno and American Academy.

International School of Brno
ISB is an 'IB World School' as well as a member of the Council of International Schools. It is also recognized by the Czech Ministry of Education as an international elementary school.
Čejkovická 10, Brno-Vinohrady
+420 544 212 313 +420 776 490 120

American Academy
A network of American schools. Provides students with practical education, the latest teaching methods from all around the world and most importantly, freedom
Dominikánské nám. 656/2
+420 703 141 191
Primary schools with extra language teaching
A number of schools where Czech is the medium of teaching offer enriched teaching of the English language; in some cases, they also offer a few classes in English (at upper levels) or extra-curricular activities in English; but not a full curriculum in English. Some primary schools in which Czech is the basic teaching language offer special English-language classes in early years and, in later years, a limited number of subjects taught in English.
Základní škola Bakalovo nábřeží
- Bakalovo nábř. 8 Brno
- Phone: +420 543 212 725
- E-mail:,
- Web:
This is a state school in which English is taught as a subject from the first class, German or French from the sixth class. In addition, in the first five years special classes are devoted to the practical use of English in specific every-day situations; in the fifth and six classes, Information Science is taught in English. The school also offers special preparatory classes for the Cambridge language exams.
Anglická základní škola
- Mendlovo nám. 1/3, 4
- 603 00 Brno – Staré Brno
- Mobile: +420 543 211 790, +420 541 240 006
- E-mail:
- Web:
A private primary school with teaching of English from the first class, increasing gradually in subsequent years. English is also used in art classes and in classes focused on everyday situations. The after-school day-care centre also uses English.
The same building houses a kindergarten, a pedagogical secondary school, grammar school and a German grammar school.
Primary schools with an integration programme
Základní a Mateřská škola Staňkova 14
- Staňkova 14
- 602 00 Brno-Ponava
- Phone: +420 541 219 992
- E-mail:
- Web:
The teaching language at the public primary school on Staňkova street is Czech. However, it gives special attention to the integration of children from a non-Czech background. It has adopted classes in Czech for foreigners designed as part of the international “School without Borders” project, and in addition, puts great emphasis on cross-cultural initiatives as a means of promoting mutual interest and greater understanding in the multicultural classrooms found at the school.
Základní a Mateřská škola J.A. Komenského
- Náměstí Republiky 10, Cacovická 6 (kindergarten)
- 61400 Brno-Husovice
- Phone: +420 545 576 794, +420 545 212 408 (kindergarten)
- E-mail:,
- Web:
Elementary School and kindergarten that strives for inclusive education with an extended language learning curriculum, including extra help for foreign kids to learn Czech.
Základní a Mateřská škola Chrlice
- Jana Broskvy 3
- 643 00 Brno-Chrlice
- Phone: +420 545 219 112, +420 604 247 432
- E-mail:
- Web: (Czech)
Elementary school and Pre-school in Brno Chrlice with extra Czech language classes for foreign children.
Private primary schools
- Žerotínovo náměstí 6
- 602 00 Brno-centre
- Phone: +420 608 407 832, +420 732 745 933
- E-mail:,
- Web:
Labyrinth is an accredited primary school (1st to 9th grade) in the city centre. They teach English since 1st grade (4 hours per week), in higher grades children are divided by their language level (from beginners to bilingual). English is part of the afternoon programme, there are also some added subjects in English since 5th grade. They have experience with bilingual or expat children with only basic Czech knowledge.
Heuréka Primary School
- Pellicova 20/2c
- 602 00 Brno
- Phone: +420 234 705 533, +420 234 705 530
- E-mail:
- Web:
The school combines best practice from world schools with current knowledge of psychology and new methods in education. We emphasize an individual approach – we want to help children discover their talent and offer them tailor-made learning.
Sluníčko – Montessori
- Šrámkova 14
- 638 00 Brno
- Phone: +420 731 613 005
- E-mail:,
- Web:
- Tuition fee: 4900 CZK/month
Preschool and Primary School Sluníčko – Montessori, s.r.o. is a private accredited school with many years of experience, individual approach ensured by two teachers and one assistant in each class, a Czech and English class. They consider teaching only in English for older kids (from 6th grade). They teach children with very little knowledge of Czech too and they offer Czech language lessons for foreigners led by a specialised tutor.
Alternative primary schools
Waldorf Primary school
- Plovdivská 8
- 616 00 Brno
- Phone: +420 731 543 396, +420 511 118 311
- E-mail:
- Web:
A school with a global Waldorf curriculum. Some experience with bilingual expat children, i.e. with some knowledge of Czech. Suitable mainly for parents interested in an alternative learning system focused on creativity and nature.
Secondary schools
(“střední školy”)
A complete list of secondary schools in Brno is available here. Generally, good knowledge of Czech is needed to pass entrance exams to a Czech secondary school following a Czech curriculum, both public and private. However, a secondary school is NOT obliged to accept a child. Private schools may be more inclined to accept a child and offer supportive measures; the level of tuition varies. In most cases it all depends on convincing the directors about your determination, willingness to work hard with your child and catch up on their knowledge of Czech. An assessment in PPP can assign support measures such as extra Czech lessons. Find out about further possibilities of enhancing the knowledge of Czech here.
The final leaving exam (“Maturita”) is difficult to pass without a very good level of Czech; however, if a child does not plan to attend a Czech university or work in CZ, maturita is actually not necessary…
There are currently two secondary schools in Brno which offer a curriculum taught in English: the International School of Brno is offering the International Baccalaureate program and the American Academy an American curriculum.

International School of Brno
ISB is an 'IB World School' as well as a member of the Council of International Schools. It is also recognized by the Czech Ministry of Education as an international secondary school.
Čejkovická 10, Brno-Vinohrady
+420 544 212 313 +420 776 490 120
Following the Cambridge Secondary 1 stage, Grade 9 and 10 students at the International School of Brno follow the Cambridge Secondary 2 Programme by taking the IGCSEs (International General Certificate of Secondary Education). The International School of Brno is now also offering Cambridge International A Levels. This allows the school to open the 11th and 12th grades, making it possible for students in Brno to complete an international high school education in English.
Cambridge International AS (11th grade) and A (12th grade) Levels have widespread international recognition as a high school/pre-university educational qualifications.

American Academy
A network of American high schools. Provides students with practical education, the latest teaching methods from all around the world and most importantly, freedom
Dominikánské nám. 656/2
+420 703 141 191
As for Czech secondary schools, Brno has a few bilingual grammar schools with Czech/French and Czech/Spanish or Czech/English curricula. These are all public schools, two of them with additional support coming from the French and Spanish governments respectively and a Czech/English school having project funded from EU. All classes are taught in Czech at first, later a selection is taught in one of the target languages. A pupil has to know Czech to study here but the advantage is to have schoolmates understanding a foreign language and the school supporting a multinational environment and supporting foreign students in learning the Czech language.
Gymnázium Slovanské náměstí
- Slovanské náměstí 7
- 612 00 Brno
- Principal: Josef Palous
- Phone: 541 321 317
- E-mail:
- Web:
- Web:
This proved grammar school with 560 students has bilingual classes with some courses fully taught in English (Geography, History, Physical education) while some courses (Biology, Chemistry) are in both Czech and English. In other classes, English terms are just supplementing the instructions. School has experienced having foreign students in the classrooms. Foreign students can take extra Czech language classes and all of the Czech students are extensively trained in English – hence creating an understanding environment.
Německé zemské gymnasium
- Mendlovo náměstí 1/3,4
- 603 00 Brno
- Phone: +420 543 211 790, +420 541 240 006
- E-mail:
- Web:
A grammar school, primary school and kindergarten under one roof. Gymnasium – Grammar school – runs a project on extensive language preparation for its students. Instructions in English and German supplement the Czech. The school is private.
Gymnázium Matyáše Lercha
- Žižkova 55
- 616 00 Brno
- Principal: Petr Kovac
- Phone: 549 122 063
- E-mail:
- Web:
The Matyáš Lerch Grammar School is a state school with about 950 students, of whom around 225 are enrolled in the six-year Czech/French programme. After intensive French preparation in the first two years, virtually all the subjects from the third year on are taught in French. Student exchanges are carried out every year with a number of lycées in France; in addition, five students a year are selected to attend the Gymnase Cantonal du Bugnon. The school also hosts an international French-language theatre festival for secondary-school students.
Klasické a španělské gymnázium
- Vejrostova 2
- 635 00 Brno
- Principal: Mgr. Petr Šurek (
- Phone: +420 533 555 100, +420 533 555 106
- E-mail:
- Web:
The Classical and Spanish Grammar School is a state school with about 800 students divided into 26 classes. The six-year bilingual Czech/Spanish study programme is run under the auspices of the Spanish Ministry of Education. It includes intensive acquisition of Spanish as a second language and from the third year five subjects (Maths, History, Geography, Physics, Chemistry) are taught in Spanish. In their final year, students of this programme take a bilingual graduation exam valid in all EU member states. The school offers another Czech programme with extra hours of English language and selected subjects taught in English.
Gymnázium Globe, s.r.o.
- Bzenecká 23
- 628 00 Brno
- Phone: 544 218 778
- E-mail:
- Web:
Private grammar school with additional English language lessons. Biology and history are partly taught in English. The school claims to be able to provide an English-speaking teacher of any given subject for individual education.
SŠIPF – Střední škola informatiky, poštovnictví a finančnictví Brno
- Čichnova 982/23
- 624 00 Brno
- Phone: 541 123 111
- E-mail:
- Website:
Secondary school specialising on IT, telecommunications, security technology, cyber security, logistics, finance, economy and entrepreneurship.
Admission exams
(for secondary schools / grammar schools)
1. Gymnázium, Brno, třída Kapitána Jaroše 14
- Foreign languages they teach:
- Admission:
- 5th grade – universal (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 230/30)
- 5th grade – focal area: mathematics (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 118/30)
- 9th grade – universal (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 141/50)
- 9th grade – focal area: mathematics (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 22/10)
2. Gymnázium Matyáše Lercha, Žižkova 55
- Foreign languages they teach:
- Admission:
- 5th grade – universal (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 336/30)
- 7th grade – focal area: French language (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 134/60)
- 9th grade – universal (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 188/60)
3. Klasické a španělské gymnázium Brno-Bystr, Vejrostova 2
- Foreign languages they teach:
- Admission:
- 5th grade – focal area: classical languages Latin and Greek (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 164/30)
- 7th grade – focal area: English language (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 123/30)
- Spanish language – some classes taught in Spanish (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 57/30)
- 9th grade – focal area: English language (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 66/30)
4. Biskupské gymnázium Brno, Barvičova 85
- foreign languages they teach:
- EN, FR, GER, SPA, LAT compulsory religion and latin classes
- admission:
- 5th grade – universal (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 268/60)
- 9th grade – universal (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 159/89)
5. Gymnázium Slovanské náměstí, Slovanské nám. 7
- Foreign languages they teach:
- EN, FR, IT, GER, RU, SPA, LAT some classes can be taken in English
- Admission:
- 7th grade – focal area: English language (accepted in 2013+2014: 30)
- 9th grade – universal (accepted in 2013+2014: 30)
- 9th grade – focal area: English language (accepted in 2013+2014: 55)
6. Gymnázium, Brno, Křenová 36
- Foreign languages they teach:
- preparation for international certificates of German (DSD II.), English (FCE), French (DELF), and Russian (TORFL)
- Admission:
- 7th grade – universal (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 213/30)
- 9th grade – universal (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 256/90)
7. Gymnázium, Brno, Vídeňská 47
- Foreign languages they teach:
- Admission:
- 7th grade – focal area: IT and programming (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 174/60)
- 9th grade – universal (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 12/60)
8. Sportovní gymnázium Ludvíka Daňka Brno, Botanická 70
- Foreign languages they teach:
- Admission:
- 7th grade – focal area: sports (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 79/30)
- 9th grade – focal area: sports (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 114/59)
1. Gymnázium P. Křížkovského s uměleckou profilací,Kristenova 27
- School fees:
- 24 000 CZK per year
- Foreign languages they teach:
- Admission:
- 5th grade – focal area: arts, 3 branches: musical/fine arts/literary-dramatic, incl. talent entrance exam (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 19/18)
- 9th grade – focal area: arts, 3 branches: musical/fine arts/literary-dramatic, incl. talent entrance exam (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 6/6)
2. Moravské gymnázium Brno, Veveří 30
- School fees:
- 16 800 CZK per year
- Foreign languages they teach:
- Admission:
- 5th grade – focal area: English (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 27/26)
- 5th grade – focal area: humanities (N/A)
- 9th grade – universal (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 51/48)
3. Gymnázium J. G. Mendela + I. Německé zemské gymnasium, Mendlovo nám. 3/4
- School fees:
- 16 000 – 17 000 CZK per year
- Foreign languages they teach:
- Admission to Gymnázium J. G. Mendela:
- 5th grade – universal (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 38/24)
- 5th grade – universal (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 35/24)
- 7th grade – universal (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 29/24)
- 9th grade – universal (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 27/24) admission to I. Německé zemské gymnasium
- 9th grade – universal (applied/accepted in 2013+2014: 28/24)
Over 90,000 students are enrolled in Brno’s five public higher education institutions, one state higher education institution and seven private higher education institutions, giving the city the distinction of having the highest per capita student population in the Czech Republic.
In line with the Central European tradition, there is no single all-inclusive higher education institution. However, the five public institutions taken together offer studies and research activities across the whole range of academic disciplines. These are Masaryk University (see a full list of all degree programmes offered in English), the Brno University of Technology, Mendel University, the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno and the Janáček Academy of the Performing Arts. In addition, seven institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences are located in Brno.
Study in Brno website
Here's a website that links all relevant information of the major Brno's universities.
The concentration of so many higher education institutions in Brno has transformed the city into a major international research centre. This is reflected most clearly in the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC), a newly-established research institution of regional scope funded by the European Commission that draws on the expertise of staff at Masaryk University, the Brno University of Technology, Mendel University, the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno and several institutes of the Academy of Sciences. Each of its interdisciplinary “core facilities” brings together scientists from across the participating institutions. The research potential in the city also lies behind the decision of the Mayo Clinic, America’s leading medical research group, to cooperate with St Anne’s Faculty Hospital in the creation of a joint biomedical research institute in Brno, the International Clinical Research Centre (ICRC).
According to Czech law, universities are forbidden to charge any tuition fees for degree programmes accredited to be taught in the Czech language. This means that even foreigners admitted to such programmes receive their university education free of charge.
In addition to their Czech-language programmes, Brno’s universities also offer a range of degree programmes taught in English. These can be found at all levels – Bachelor’s, Master’s and especially doctoral. For these programmes, the universities charge tuition fees, though in comparison with those in many other countries they are very reasonable.
Finally, in their lifelong-learning programmes, many of the city’s universities include courses or options in languages other than Czech.
Recognition of foreign degrees
For certain purposes in this country you may find it necessary, or advantageous, to have your university degree recognized as having the equivalent value of a Czech degree. This is a process the Czechs term “nostrifikace” – that is, “making it ours”.
This process varies depending on which country you took your degree in. With some countries, the Czech state has an agreement on mutual recognition; in these cases, it is fairly straightforward to have your degree recognized. Otherwise, there are a number of steps you will have to take, both in the country where you studied and here in the Czech Republic. Since the process also involves a Czech university expressing its approval of your qualifications, it is necessary to turn to one that offers a degree as close as possible to the one you have taken. So, if you are considering having your foreign degree recognized here, we recommend you turn to us in the first instance for advice.
Learning Czech
For detailed information on grasping the local language, refer to our guide here.