English-language theatre in Brno – a new venture

English-language theatre has a long history in Brno. The Gypsywood Players – students of the Department of English and American Studies at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University – put on their first production in 1965, and they’re still going strong today.
However, for some time now people in Brno outside the university, both Czechs and expats, have been wondering about other English-language theatre possibilities. The Brno Expat Centre did some exploratory work, and we’re now happy to announce a promising new initiative.
Gene Terruso, an American theatre professional currently living in Brno, has agreed to serve as the artistic director of a proposed new English-language theatre company in Brno. Mr Terruso has had a distinguished career as an actor, director, producer, playwright and teacher; his stage and screen credits include experience in both the USA and abroad.
A first organizational meeting will be held on 22 June. Everyone’s welcome, expats as well as Czechs, students, those with experience and those keen on learning. In addition to actors, the search is on for people interested in all other aspects of theatre production: stage design, costumes, props, music, publicity and, hopefully, even fund-raising.
You can sign up at the Facebook event and invite your friends!
● When? – Thursday 22 June at 7 p.m.
● Where? – Cowo Brno, Moravské nám. 3