General info

This guide explains the basics principals about the income tax in the CR, the tax reliefs, and allowances from the tax base.

In most cases, your employer will fill up and submit the annual tax reconciliation for you.  There are some exceptions, though – in some cases, you’ll have to do it on your own. Or you can simply choose to do it.

Browse through the questions to find your answers.

Or watch the recording of our webinar “Income tax for employees explained”.

BELL Consulting

Tax consultancy, tax returns, founding and liquidating companies, accounting, payroll, complete financial services.

Anna Meyer Tax

tax accountant: tax return filing services, registering a new business license, consulting and processing compensation bonus and any tax related issues

Tax services online: a web application for Tax Return, incl. reports for insurance institutions for self-employed. In just 15 minutes, step-by-step.


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