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What is paternity benefit?

Similarly to maternity leave, paternity leave (otcovská dovolená) represents a legal right to be absent from work due to becoming a father in order to help taking care of a newborn child. This period off work is covered by sickness insurance (nemocenské pojištění) which is a component of the social insurance.

Paternity benefit (otcovská – dávka otcovské poporodní péče) is an allowance for fresh fathers who thus get 14 calendar days of paid holiday on the top of the agreed amount of paid weeks off in that particular calendar year. Paternity leave needs to be taken during the first 6 weeks after the child was born and in its entirety. (If the newborn has to be hospitalized right after birth, the father of the baby can require the start of the 6-week period to be postponed by the same period of time as was the hospitalization.)

Am I eligible?


This benefit is available for employed and self-employed fathers. Also foster parents, recognized adoptive parents and registered parents can apply for paternity leave.

You have to be registered as the father of the child in the birth certificate.

What amount am I entitled to?

The financial contribution during this period represents cca 70 percent of the usual income the father would get for the same period of time. The exact sum varies depending on the height of the father’s income.

You can use this online calculator – you will need to fill in your average brutto monthly income (employed fathers) or your monthly social insurance advance payment (self-employed fathers).

How do I apply?

You need to approach your employers and ask for the leave.

The application form can be downloaded from the official website of the Social insurance office.

You should fill in the first page and submit the form to your employer who will fill in the rest and send the form to the Social insurance office once the paternity leave is completed. The money should arrive the following month. Employed fathers should – at the same time – apply for parental leave for the given period of time.

What is paternity benefit?

Similarly to maternity leave, paternity leave (otcovská dovolená) represents a legal right to be absent from work due to becoming a father in order to help taking care of a newborn child. This period off work is covered by sickness insurance (nemocenské pojištění) which is a component of the social insurance.

Paternity benefit (otcovská – dávka otcovské poporodní péče) is an allowance for fresh fathers who thus get 14 calendar days of paid holiday on the top of the agreed amount of paid weeks off in that particular calendar year. Paternity leave needs to be taken during the first 6 weeks after the child was born and in its entirety. (If the newborn has to be hospitalized right after birth, the father of the baby can require the start of the 6-week period to be postponed by the same period of time as was the hospitalization.)

Am I eligible?


This benefit is available for employed and self-employed fathers. Also foster parents, recognized adoptive parents and registered parents can apply for paternity leave.

You have to be registered as the father of the child in the birth certificate.

What amount am I entitled to?

The financial contribution during this period represents cca 70 percent of the usual income the father would get for the same period of time. The exact sum varies depending on the height of the father’s income.

You can use this online calculator – you will need to fill in your average brutto monthly income (employed fathers) or your monthly social insurance advance payment (self-employed fathers).

How do I apply?

You need to approach your employers and ask for the leave.

The application form can be downloaded from the official website of the Social insurance office.

You should fill in the first page and submit the form to your employer who will fill in the rest and send the form to the Social insurance office once the paternity leave is completed. The money should arrive the following month. Employed fathers should – at the same time – apply for parental leave for the given period of time.

What is paternity benefit?

Similarly to maternity leave, paternity leave (otcovská dovolená) represents a legal right to be absent from work due to becoming a father in order to help taking care of a newborn child. This period off work is covered by sickness insurance (nemocenské pojištění) which is a component of the social insurance.

Paternity benefit (otcovská – dávka otcovské poporodní péče) is an allowance for fresh fathers who thus get 14 calendar days of paid holiday on the top of the agreed amount of paid weeks off in that particular calendar year. Paternity leave needs to be taken during the first 6 weeks after the child was born and in its entirety. (If the newborn has to be hospitalized right after birth, the father of the baby can require the start of the 6-week period to be postponed by the same period of time as was the hospitalization.)

Am I eligible?


This benefit is available for employed and self-employed fathers. Also foster parents, recognized adoptive parents and registered parents can apply for paternity leave.

You have to be registered as the father of the child in the birth certificate.

What amount am I entitled to?

The financial contribution during this period represents cca 70 percent of the usual income the father would get for the same period of time. The exact sum varies depending on the height of the father’s income.

You can use this online calculator – you will need to fill in your average brutto monthly income (employed fathers) or your monthly social insurance advance payment (self-employed fathers).

How do I apply?

Self-employed fathers are eligible for the paternity benefit if they have been paying their sickness insurance for at least three months before their paternity leave.

You should download the application form from the official website of the Social insurance office and – once filled in – submit or post it to the Social insurance office directly.

What is paternity benefit?

Similarly to maternity leave, paternity leave (otcovská dovolená) represents a legal right to be absent from work due to becoming a father in order to help taking care of a newborn child. This period off work is covered by sickness insurance (nemocenské pojištění) which is a component of the social insurance.

Paternity benefit (otcovská – dávka otcovské poporodní péče) is an allowance for fresh fathers who thus get 14 calendar days of paid holiday on the top of the agreed amount of paid weeks off in that particular calendar year. Paternity leave needs to be taken during the first 6 weeks after the child was born and in its entirety. (If the newborn has to be hospitalized right after birth, the father of the baby can require the start of the 6-week period to be postponed by the same period of time as was the hospitalization.)

Am I eligible?


This benefit is available for employed and self-employed fathers. Also foster parents, recognized adoptive parents and registered parents can apply for paternity leave.

You have to be registered as the father of the child in the birth certificate.

What amount am I entitled to?

The financial contribution during this period represents cca 70 percent of the usual income the father would get for the same period of time. The exact sum varies depending on the height of the father’s income.

You can use this online calculator – you will need to fill in your average brutto monthly income (employed fathers) or your monthly social insurance advance payment (self-employed fathers).

How do I apply?

Self-employed fathers are eligible for the paternity benefit if they have been paying their sickness insurance for at least three months before their paternity leave.

You should download the application form from the official website of the Social insurance office and – once filled in – submit or post it to the Social insurance office directly.

What is paternity benefit?

Similarly to maternity leave, paternity leave (otcovská dovolená) represents a legal right to be absent from work due to becoming a father in order to help taking care of a newborn child. This period off work is covered by sickness insurance (nemocenské pojištění) which is a component of the social insurance.

Paternity benefit (otcovská – dávka otcovské poporodní péče) is an allowance for fresh fathers who thus get 14 calendar days of paid holiday on the top of the agreed amount of paid weeks off in that particular calendar year. Paternity leave needs to be taken during the first 6 weeks after the child was born and in its entirety. (If the newborn has to be hospitalized right after birth, the father of the baby can require the start of the 6-week period to be postponed by the same period of time as was the hospitalization.)

Am I eligible?

Unfortunately, no.

This benefit is available only for employed and self-employed fathers (also foster parents, recognized adoptive parents and registered parents can apply for paternity leave). You have to be registered as the father of the child in the birth certificate.

What is paternity benefit?

Similarly to maternity leave, paternity leave (otcovská dovolená) represents a legal right to be absent from work due to becoming a father in order to help taking care of a newborn child. This period off work is covered by sickness insurance (nemocenské pojištění) which is a component of the social insurance.

Paternity benefit (otcovská – dávka otcovské poporodní péče) is an allowance for fresh fathers who thus get 14 calendar days of paid holiday on the top of the agreed amount of paid weeks off in that particular calendar year. Paternity leave needs to be taken during the first 6 weeks after the child was born and in its entirety. (If the newborn has to be hospitalized right after birth, the father of the baby can require the start of the 6-week period to be postponed by the same period of time as was the hospitalization.)

Am I eligible?

Unfortunately, no.

This benefit is available only for employed and self-employed fathers (also foster parents, recognized adoptive parents and registered parents can apply for paternity leave). You have to be registered as the father of the child in the birth certificate.

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