When & Where?
16 August 2020
Event booking
Bookings are closed for this event.
When & Where?
16 August 2020
Bookings are closed for this event.
Find the beauty hidden in the cellars of the UNESCO-listed chateau of Valtice: the 100 best Moravian (and Czech) wines of the year, selected and stored for you to taste at the National Wine Centre.
Join a NYC sommelier, Arielle DeSoucey, and our very own Jan Kopkáš, Brno Expat Centre manager and wine connoisseur, to take you through this remarkable selection, at your own pace.
Once you emerge back into the sunlight, you can also explore the chateau, the beautiful park or the picturesque town itself.
To make it easy, bring your own box of cheese and enjoy the variety shared by others. The town also offers many opportunities to dine after the wine tasting.
Travel together comfortably by train, meeting in the Brno main train station hall at 10:15 am. Expect to pay about 200,- for a train return ticket from Brno to Valtice and 499,- for the entrance to the wine cellar.
Register via the form below. Please note, a minimum of 15 participants are necessary for the event to take place; you will be informed by Thursday 13 August in case of cancellation.
In case of any questions, contact Jan at kopkas@brnoexpatcentre.eu or 604381680.
Bookings are closed for this event.
We're now conducting research into the life of internationals in Brno, in order to improve the support the city offers you. The results also design and shape public policies with your needs in mind, and help push the future of the city in the right direction.
Please, share your experience living in Brnoregion in our questionnaire and be a part of changing things for the better.
Enter the Great Brno Expat Survey 2023. (Deadline: 10 December)
(If you've already done so, thank you!)