Universities wish to take care of their students themselves. They instructed us to forward you to their advisors.

These are our recommendations:

  1. Check our library of guides: the chances are high that you’ll find your answers there. All the guides are freely accessible.
  2. Follow our Facebook Page to stay posted about the happenings in Brno
  3. You can also contact the South Moravian Integration centre for help.

Note: If you’re also a freelancer or employed, feel free to contact our consultants! But if not, here are the places you should visit next:


  1. Read their International student guide
  2. International students can apply for a buddy in Brno who should help them get around Brno: but.esnbrno.cz
  3. Contact the advisors on this list: vutbr.cz


  1. Read their International student guide (very detailed), and their Erasmus student guide
  2. International students can apply for a buddy in Brno who should help them get around Brno: esnmendelu
  3. Contact the international relations office: iro.mendelu


  1. Read their International student guide
  2. Apply for a buddy in Brno who should help you get around Brno: esn.muni
  3. Get in touch with one of the contact people directly at your faculty who should be able to help and advise you:
Bc. Radka Schardová Katerina.Jaskova@law.muni.cz 549496873
Stanislava Tichá Stanislava.Ticha@law.muni.cz 549494149
Mgr. Zuzana Palacková Zuzana.Palackova@med.muni.cz 549493278
Mgr. Iva Tůmová Tumova@sci.muni.cz 549498022
Mgr. Michaela Hrazdilková Michaela.Hrazdilkova@phil.muni.cz 549496660
Mgr. Hana Florková Florkova@ped.muni.cz 549493917
Mgr. Radek Pospíšil Pospisil@ped.muni.cz 549491606
Mgr. Jana Nesvadbová Jana.Nesvadbova@econ.muni.cz 549494736
Ing. Radka Brolíková Brolikov@fi.muni.cz 549491813
Ludmila Polášková LPolasko@fss.muni.cz 549496289
Mgr. Pavlína Roučová Roucova@fsps.muni.cz 549494050